Aankhen (TV series)

 "Aankhen" is an Indian television drama series that debuted on DD National in 2001, directed by Amrit Sagar and Shakti Sagar, and produced by Jyoti Sagar. The show revolves around a gripping tale of espionage, patriotism, and thwarting sinister plots aimed at destabilizing India's peace and reputation on the global stage.

The narrative unfolds with J.K. Malhotra, appointed as the governor of Kashmir, becoming the target of a malevolent scheme hatched by Pakistan. To execute their nefarious plan, they enlist the notorious killer Carlos to assassinate Mr. J.K. Malhotra. However, the Ankhen team, led by Col. Dhyanchand, emerges as a formidable force, successfully thwarting Carlos's assassination attempt and safeguarding Malhotra's life.

Furious over his failure, Carlos becomes determined to seek revenge against the Ankhen team. He devises a new diabolical conspiracy—planning to detonate a bomb at the imminent peace conference attended by foreign advisors in India. The sinister plot aims to tarnish India's reputation on an international scale, fostering hostility from other nations and isolating India from the global community.

To execute this mission, Carlos collaborates with his associates Ms. Monica and Thomson, strategizing to carry out the devastating attack on the peace conference. However, the vigilant secret agents of Ankhen intercept this conspiracy. Col. Dhyanchand and his team become aware of the impending threat, prompting them to prepare diligently to confront the imminent danger and safeguard India's interests once again.

Amidst high-stakes espionage and a race against time, the Ankhen team mobilizes its resources, deploying their expertise and skills to counteract Carlos's malicious plans. Through their unwavering commitment, courage, and strategic maneuvers, they endeavor to protect the nation from the impending catastrophic threat, ensuring that India's integrity remains intact.

The series delves into themes of patriotism, bravery, and the relentless efforts of individuals dedicated to safeguarding their country against external threats. "Aankhen" captivates audiences with its suspenseful narrative, showcasing the valor and resilience of the Ankhen team in defending India against treacherous adversaries, ultimately upholding the nation's honor and security.


  • Arvind Rouseria as Colonel Dhyanchand
  • Sanjeev Willson as Carlos
  • J.P Sharma as Kangaroo
  • Ankit as Ankhen team member
  • Arvind as Ankhen team member
  • Mahendra Songara as in various roles
  • Sagar Saini as Anil
  • Jyotin Dave is in various roles
  • Seema Shinde

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